ACF receives 8 initatives to strengthen bilater cooperation with donor states

Within the restricted call for bilateral cooperation initiatives under the program “Bilateral and regional cooperation” the ACF has received 8 initiatives to strengthen partnerships with partners from donor states.
The four initiatives received will strengthen the partnership with donor organisations in the framework of ACF Capacity projects and four- in ACF Strategic Projects. Currently the eligibility and administrative check of the received initiatives is performed. The results of the call are scheduled to be announced by the beginning of January.
The ACF reminds that the restricted call for bilateral cooperation initiatives aims to enhance cross-border collaboration between civil society entities in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, and all beneficiary states of the EEA and Norway grants. The call ir open for organisations that are implementing ACF Strategic or Capacity project at the time of submission. Initiatives may also be submitted by organisations implementing ACF projects which have so far not involved any donor partner.
The next evaluation will be started at 4 April 2023 for initatived received by 3 April 2023 (11.00 p.m). Call documentation and the up-to-date information on available funding are available under the “Project call” section. If necessary, the ACF council may adopt a decision to start the quality assessment of ongoing initiatives sooner than planned.