Experience trip to Norway
Project: Capacity building for the development of EA "World-Our Home"

From August 21 to 24, representatives of the European Association “World-Our Home” Julija Springe, Natālija Covvo and Līna Zaharāne went on an experience exchange trip to Norway within the framework of the Active Citizens` Fund program, the project “Capacity Building for the Development of “EA World-Our Home”. A project partner from Norway, the non-governmental organization “Creatorium”, was involved in the project. The experience exchange trip was organized by EA “World-Our Home” in order to get to know the reality of Norwegian NGOs, to share experiences, to get to know the work with youth in Norway, how in Norway young people are involved in various activities, decision-making processes. The Norwegian partner organization “Creatorium” is also located in the region, in a small town, so it was very useful to gain experience and compare how the public involvement processes are going on in the regions of Norway and how they are here in the Latgale region. This exchange of experience was very useful for EA “World-Our Home”, with the aim of promoting the capacity of the organization, gaining new knowledge, experience and ideas on how to develop young people’s citizenship.
The meeting also discussed cooperation and the possibility of working in summer camps for children and youth. Also, the possibility of cooperation in other directions was discussed with the Norwegian NGO, for example, humanitarian aid to low-income families/young people in Rēzekne and Rēzekne district. During the meeting we discussed about the Norwegian youth centers, the opportunities for youth participation, and the activity of young people in various projects and activities. Meetings were organized with representatives of the youth sector of the municipality, contacts and opportunities for cooperation were established.