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Bilateral and regional cooperation

Bilateral and regional cooperation

The objective of the program: enhanced cross-border collaboration between civil society entities in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and all EEA/Norway Financial Mechanism beneficiary states.

Total amount for the program:

  • 175 000 EUR – for bilateral cooperation and partnerships with Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway entities.
  • 170 000 EUR – for regional cooperation initiatives with EEA/Norway Financial Mechanism beneficiary states (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia).

Expected program outcomes:

  • Organizations involved in collaboration projects trust each other and are satisfied with the partnership.
  • Organizations involved in collaboration projects apply the knowledge acquired for further activities.
  • Participants involved in collaboration projects consider that the information acquired is useful (knowledge/methods/approaches).
  • Cross-border cooperation initiatives are implemented jointly with Active Citizens Fund operators in other countries.



  • Grants for the establishment of the cooperation (up to 1800 EUR) – available from 2020 to Latvian CSOs that intend to submit strategic or capacity projects and include cooperation activities with Icelandic, Liechtenstein or Norwegian CSOs, enterprises, educational institutions, public administration, etc. The grant amount shall be up to 100% of the eligible expenditure and can only be used to cover travel and subsistence costs. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS IS CLOSED!
  • Grants for Cooperation Initiatives – available after 2020 to Latvian CSOs to implement Cooperation Initiatives with CSOs, enterprises, educational institutions, public administrations, etc. in Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway. The amount of funding will be based on the scope and activities and objectives. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS IS CLOSED!
  • Participation in international events (conferences, discussions, forums, experience exchange trips, training, contact and partnership workshops, etc.) – organized and coordinated by Active Citizens Fund operators in the EEA/Norway Financial Mechanism states, in cooperation with organizations from Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway, as well as other organizations from EEA/Norway Financial Mechanism beneficiary states (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Croatia, Estonia, Cyprus, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary). Latvian organizations will be informed about opportunities to participate in international events organized or coordinated by the Active Citizens Fund Latvia. The information will be available on this web page, via e-mails, and at the regional support points.

* Every year, a detailed plan for bilateral and regional cooperation will be elaborated.


SUPPORT FOR BILATERAL COOPERATION in other programs of Active Citizens Fund

Latvian CSOs may receive additional points for their projects in the open calls of other Active Citizens Fund programs if the project involves cooperation with CSOs, enterprises, educational organizations, public administration and other institutions of Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway.

  • In strategic projects of the program “Democratic Culture”.
  • In strategic projects of the program “Human rights”.
  • In capacity projects of the program “Sustainability and capacity”.


Look for the information about partners:

Please contact Bilateral and Regional Initiatives Coordinator Aiva Apša-Ķīšeniece by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • if you want to receive an advice on cooperation with organizations in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway; 
  • or if you want to suggest an international event that meets the objective of the program and where the presence of Latvian civil society would be valuable.

Approved projects

1 Closed
2 Closed
3 Closed
4 Closed
5 Closed
6 LATVIAN GERMAN ASSOCIATION If there are WISHES, then participate in ELECTIONS! Closed
7 Latvian 4-H Youth on the way Closed
8 Development and Innovation Training Centre Study visit for improvement of Association existing services or development new one Closed
9 We Own the World Next level partnership Closed
10 Right here and together Right here and together with the power of the solar world Closed
11 Closed
12 Closed
13 Closed
14 Latvian 4-H Experience and cooperation Closed
15 Association "Pierīgas partnerība" Together - stronger and smarter Closed
16 Latvia Corporate Social Responsibility platform Exchange of experience for capacity building of the organization Closed



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