The project “One step forward” has finished

Association “Eņģeļi ar mums” (“Angels with us”) is working already more than 10 years. In the frame of the project there were done different things like - the questionnaire survey of members, evaluated external and internal environment, established SWOT analysis, defined the mission and the vision, developed the future activities plan and communication guidlines, which were summarised in the strategy plan.
The training “Let’s climb up the development stairs!” consisted of several blocks. Every block was dedicated to the definite topic. The participants of the the training were aware of the sense of the involvement and iniciative in their daily life and activity in the association. Different ideas were generated how to show the initiative by promoting the improvements of life quality. During the training of “Project development and implemention” the participants have learned the basics of project’s development and worked out interessting project ideas together with the association “Rēzeknes Māmiņu klubs” (“Rezekne Mothers’ club”). The participants of the training “Social enterpreneurship” learned how to start and who can carry out such kind of projects and got to know the local social enterprises. The field trip to social enterprises “Visi Var” (“Everybody can”) and “Jaunā skola” (“New school”) was significant. In the trainings “E-commerce possibilities and attraction of finances” the participants learned how to use different social networks and digital tools of information distribution and attraction of new benefactors. Also the possibilities of starting the economic activities were recognized. These trainings have given very significant long-term investment - skills and knowledge that is going to be used in the future.
The participants of the project have had different experience exchange trips to several organisations. The participants of “Middle Latgale region foundation” shared their experience and great ideas in organising charity compaigns. The Liepaja’s Blind association showed with their example the importance of use of different possibilities how to support adults with disabilities. In the fundation “Support centre for families and children with different special needs”Cimdiņš”” (“Mitten”) was showed that with hard work it is not only possible to get new rooms but also smile in the faces of the children and their parents. It has given the possibility to get to know not only every day life of the organisations but also the impression how hard or easy it was to achieve the set goals, to get ideas and inspiration in the realisation of the future visions. The second part of the project was dedicated to the society information activities, collecting the donations for the improvement of the rooms for the association “Eņģeļi ar mums” (“Angels with us”).
A lot of energy, thoughtfulness and love were invested in the preperation activities for Easter and charity fair stands which were organised in the frame of the collecting donations campaign “Atbalsti mūs!” (“Support us!”) Concurrently the charity stands, there was society information not only about the association but also about the Active Citizens Fund. All the interested persons had the possibility to get to know the association and its activities, to get the answers to their questions from the representatives of the association and also the brochures were provided. There was also one interesting activity “Dods devējam atdodas” (“Hands that give also receive”), in the frame of it, it was possible to exchange the donation coupon and get different presents which were prepared by association’s supporters. During the donations collecting compaign there were made short videos about families experience and stories, music videos – where children with special needs took active part with local, known musicians.
The project team and members of the association “Eņģeļi ar mums” (“Angels with us”) express thankfulness to every involved professional, volunteer and the representative of the local community and also is appreciative to Active Citizens Fund for the given possibility to get stronger and experienced NGO organisation.