We launch the Active Citizens Fund Latvia!

The launch event of the Active Citizens Fund (ACF) and the presentation seminar of the first project calls will take place during the Democracy Week on May 8 at 13:00 - 15:30 online on the website www.activecitizensfund.lv!
We invite NGOs, active people and other interested parties to participate. During the event, the representatives of the NGO Consortium, who is the ACF operator in Latvia, will inform about the ACF's activities, support programs, and the first project competitions and their conditions.
The language of the event is Latvian. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions by connecting via the ZOOM platform (the link will be published in the week of the event) or by sending questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If we are unable to provide an answer to a question online, it will be sent to the e-mail address of the sender and/or published on the website.
We invite everyone to get acquainted with the goals and framework of the supported activities of the four ACF programs - “Democratic culture”, “Human rights”, “Sustainability and capacity” and “Bilateral and regional cooperation” on the ACF website www.activecitizensfund.lv.
For additional information about the ACF launch event, please contact Diana Bogdanova, ACF Communication Manager, by writing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling +371 26435463.